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3. Maeda Y, Inoguchi T, Etoh E, Kodama Y, Sasaki S, Sonoda N, Nawata H, Shimabukuro M, Takayanagi R. Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity predicts all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes: the kyushu prevention study of atherosclerosis. Diabetes Care 2014;37(8):2383-90. pubmed

4. Matsumoto S, Shimabukuro M, Fukuda D, Soeki T, Yamakawa K, Masuzaki H, Sata M. Azilsartan, an angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker, restores endothelial function by reducing vascular inflammation and by increasing the phosphorylation ratio Ser(1177)/Thr(497) of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in diabetic mice. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2014;13:30. pubmed

5. Natsuaki C, Inoguchi T, Maeda Y, Yamada T, Sasaki S, Sonoda N, Shimabukuro M, Nawata H, Takayanagi R. Association of borderline ankle-brachial index with mortality and the incidence of peripheral artery disease in diabetic patients. Atherosclerosis 2014;234(2):360-5. pubmed

6. Shimabukuro M, Higa M, Kinjo R, Yamakawa K, Tanaka H, Kozuka C, Yabiku K, Taira S, Sata M, Masuzaki H. Effects of the brown rice diet on visceral obesity and endothelial function: the BRAVO study. Br J Nutr 2014;111(2):310-20. pubmed

7. Soeki T, Bando S, Uematsu E, Matsuura T, Niki T, Ise T, Kusunose K, Hotchi J, Ueda Y, Tomita N, Yamaguchi K, Yagi S, Fukuda D, Taketani Y, Iwase T, Yamada H, Wakatsuki T, Shimabukuro M, Sata M. Pentraxin 3 is a local inflammatory marker in atrial fibrillation. Heart Vessels 2014;29(5):653-8. pubmed

8. Soeki T, Koshiba K, Niki T, Kusunose K, Yamaguchi K, Yamada H, Wakatsuki T, Shimabukuro M, Minakuchi K, Kishimoto I, Kangawa K, Sata M. Effect of ghrelin on autonomic activity in healthy volunteers. Peptides 2014;62:1-5. pubmed

9. Ueda S, Morimoto T, Ando S-I, Takishita S-I, Kawano Y, Shimamoto K, Ogihara T, Saruta T, the DIME Investigators. A randomised controlled trial for the evaluation of risk for type 2 diabetes in hypertensive patients receiving thiazide diuretics: Diuretics In the Management of Essential hypertension (DIME) study. BMJ Open 2014;4(7). pubmed

10. Yagi S, Hara T, Ueno R, Aihara KI, Fukuda D, Takashima A, Hotchi J, Ise T, Yamaguchi K, Tobiume T, Iwase T, Yamada H, Soeki T, Wakatsuki T, Shimabukuro M, Akaike M, Sata M. Serum concentration of eicosapentaenoic acid is associated with cognitive function in patients with coronary artery disease. Nutr J 2014;13(1):112. pubmed

11. Yagi S, Kadota M, Aihara K, Nishikawa K, Hara T, Ise T, Ueda Y, Iwase T, Akaike M, Shimabukuro M, Katoh S, Sata M. Association of lower limb muscle mass and energy expenditure with visceral fat mass in healthy men. Diabetol Metab Syndr 2014;6(1):27. pubmed

12. Yamazaki S, Satoh H, Watanabe T. Liraglutide enhances insulin sensitivity by activating AMP-activated protein kinase in male Wistar rats. Endocrinology 2014;155(9):3288-301. pubmed


1. Takashima A, Shimabukuro M, Tabata M, Fukuda D, Uematsu E, Ishibashi-Ueda H, Takanashi S, Sata M. Histopathological heterogeneity of in-stent restenosis in four coronary endarterectomy specimens. Cardiovasc Pathol 2014. pubmed


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